Introduction and Broad Description of the Context and Goal of the area/ topic addressed
The aim of this lesson is to recognize the importance and applicability of symmetry in our daily life by the students aged 13-14. Applying symmetry around us by making images with symmetrical figures, symmetrical constructions from various material and digital resources can help students identify and explain phenomena, processes from their lives.
Learning Objectives and outcomes
With the completion of this module the trainees will be able to ……
- Understand the structure of a Lesson Plan on Symmetry
- Use theoretical knowledge in practical contexts, demonstrating what they know to do, communicating and collaborating to each other
- Demonstrate the procedure followed, and the presentation to other colleagues
- Implement the Lesson Plan in the classroom
Content and Resources
Present the activities and resources that maths, ICT, biology, art, history and physics teachers can use in a STEAME environment/framework, working together to identify elements from real life that include symmetry.
Methodology and approaches for the module training presentation
Powerpoint presentation, discussion through active participation with the trainees, examples given (objects, geometric shapes)
Instruments/ Tools/ Supporting Material/ Resources to be used
- Interactive whiteboard, projector, laptop
- Worksheets, colored sheets, scissors
- Lego figures
- Online tools (Padlet, Geogebra, Canva, Storyjumper, Kahoot)
- Lesson Plan