

Pupils should learn to calculate a percentage of a given whole and solve problems in the context of percentage increase and decrease. The lesson is to expand the “Percentage” section that is taught in the class.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able:

  • To use simple fractions and percentages to compare quantities (visualization forms)
  • To create and solve problems with percentage increase and decrease
  • To research and use various strategies in solving text problems
  • To develop a sense of cooperation and empathy with classmates

How Does It Work

School Class 1: Diagnostics for calculating a percentage of a number

Fold the shape by x percent (5 min)

In this short activity the pupils are divided into 4 groups and each group receives a different worksheet. The worksheets show the different shapes that pupils should divide according to the instructions. The goal is to visually connect a part of a whole as a fraction and as a percentage and comparison.

Percentage cards (35 min)

With this activity the pupils practice calculating a percentage of a given whole (number). Each pupil receives a card on which one task is written and one solution to a task from another card. The game is started by a pupil who reads the task from his card. The others calculate and the pupil who has the solution to that task shows the card and then reads his task. The game continues in the same way until all the tasks from the cards are read.


School class 2: Expanding the term percentage with percentage increases and decreases

Bookshop-Presentations (40 min)

Pupils are divided into 4 groups and two bookshops are set up. Two of them will be buyers, and two groups will be sellers.

Benches are set up as stands for sale and several textbooks, notebooks, pencils, rulers for sale are arranged on them. Groups of sellers determine the price of those products and whether their price will increase by a certain percentage or decrease. The price and the percentage increase and decrease are recorded and placed next to each product. Purchasing pupils choose one product at a time and need to calculate how much it will cost after the increase / decrease. Then the groups change their roles.


School class 3: evaluation

Game Genially Self-evaluation (15 min)

Description: Pupils on their tablets or smartphones in pairs solve a quiz in Genially for percentage increase and decrease.

The quiz is designed so that pupils can immediately see where they went wrong and have a short discussion about the mistakes made.




Why Is It A Good Practice?

The above activities initiate the development of: – critical opinion

  • -communication
  • -collaboration
  •  creativity

By developing these skills, students are trained to learn independently.


The first activity (School class 1) allows to diagnose pupils’ knowledge of the topic and according to the results obtained planning future activities. The activity with bookshops (School class 2) allows connection to real situations, develops critical thinking, increases communication skills, creativity and collaboration among pupils.

The use of digital tools to verify adopted knowledge provides quick feedback for both pupils and teacher.

Quiz in H5P-Quiz (20 min)

Pupils solve a quiz on H5P that is set up on learning platform. From there, information about the points scored in the quiz is automatically obtained. If it is not possible on the platform the quiz can be placed on a website only in that case the pupils need to send their answers to the teacher.

Impressions (5 min)

A short discussion about the realization and the achieved success of the quiz on H5P.

Formative evaluation by monitoring pupil activity throughout all three hours and the self-evaluation with a quiz on Genially.

Summative evaluation is done through the points won on the H5P quiz.


Activity1: Figures drawn with overlap by 50%, 25%, 10%,20% and similar assessment made by the teacher.

Activity 2: Lego cubes that are given a value of 5% and 10% for assembling 3D forms

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