Services Assessment in an Organization


The Learning Plan provides for activities for pupils that are involved in a real research process with application in services evaluation. Basic issues and stages of the research process are taught, from the formulation of the problem and the goal to the final presentation of the results and conclusions.

Learning Outcomes

This Good Practice provides a Learning plan with activities that lead/ enable/ support a pupil to acquire skills for

  • Data Collection Methods and Sampling Methods and Techniques
  • Construction and use of appropriate questionnaires (printed or electronic)
  • Considering Questionnaire validity and reliability control methods (use of appropriate software)
  • Using Methods of statistical analysis and presentation of results (use of appropriate software)
  • Presentation of results – Writing a detailed research report

How Does It Work

The learning process is based on involving pupils and their teachers in a real-life process of evaluating the services of a community service provider that would be of interest to the pupils. The outcome will be a review or improvement of those services, for the benefit of the service provider ( s.p.) and for the benefit of the pupils or citizens who use those services. The importance of the outcomes is in itself a great motivator.

On the other hand, the skills acquired through research are also very important for the 21st century citizen. These skills are acquired through contacts – consultations with the representatives of the institution providing the services, but also through teamwork in preparing questionnaires (printed and electronic), data collection and input, data analysis, presentation of results and drawing conclusions.

Throughout the process there is continuous discrete teacher support from teachers and evaluation, feedback for the results at each stage.

Why Is It A Good Practice?

It encourages critical thinking, creativity and communication, and the content is connected to the real world. Moreover, it provides opportunities for debate and discussion and the use of digital means.


Feedback and evaluation are continuous, from the preparation of the relevant questionnaires to the conduct of the research, analysis and presentation of the results


The whole approach provides opportunities that are appropriate for pupils of any ability, thus it can be used in an inclusive class.

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